What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is how your website ranks in popular search engines. So when someone looks up related material, how close to the top does your website come out? Are you hitting keywords in your content, or are you missing the mark? Here’s a look from LumberPress at SEO and how it can help you get more traffic to your website.


Does My Website Need It?

No, your website doesn’t need effective SEO, but then as soon as one of your competitors starts SEOing then you’ll fall behind. And if you want people clicking on your site because of the strategic keywords you’re using, then you want to start paying attention to how you cultivate your SEO. Otherwise, you’ll be missing out on consumers who are looking for a service or product you offer, and finding your competitor instead. That’s all easily avoided by being meticulous in your SEO approach!


Why Content Matters

Let’s think about content as the driver of SEO. If your content isn’t updated often (think every two weeks or so), and if it isn’t hitting basic keywords integral to your business, then you’re doing it wrong. SEO thrives off of listing associated words or phrases that make it easy for the search engine to list your site. Is your content relatable to the search query? How many links does it have? Is content being produced, updated, and is it diverse? Start thinking about how these questions can affect your search engine rankings, because, spoiler alert, it’s pretty important to the success of your business online.

Keep SEO Simple

Content is great, but remember who you’re creating it for. Even if you work in a technical field, be wary of throwing around field-specific jargon. Consumers may not know what you’re talking about, and that’s bad for search engines too, because that means fewer people are looking for that in the first place. Ask, how can I put this in terms that people are searching for? Diction is key here. Try to remember that the average consumer won’t be impressed by dense paragraphs of technical vocab. They’ll be impressed by copy that will hit them emotionally, and copy that is easiest to understand on their own terms. If you can, make it entertaining.


Measuring Internet Success

Let’s say you have great SEO for your site, but you have no way to measure that success. Well, how useless is that? If you don’t know how well you’re ranking, then how will you know how to improve your website? It’s vital you keep track of links and stats so you know exactly how consumers are responding to your message. If it’s ineffective, at least you’re aware of the problems and you’ll be able to respond appropriately. No one wants to be left in the dark on marketing!


Know Your Audience, Not Your Engine

This is all to say that who you’re selling to is the most important aspect of this. SEO for one service won’t sell for another. Keep things relatable, and don’t try too hard to impress the search engine, but rather the people who are using that search engine. Get in the head of the reader, and you’ll be able to produce copy that’s worth reading. In the end, if your viewership and traffic increases, and the amount of time they spend on your site increases, your rankings will too! Now get out there and rewrite for SEO.


Who knows SEO better than LumberPress? Yeah, no one. Schedule a consultation and start rocking your rankings. LumberPress.com