Consultancies vs Agencies: Marketing Buzz

What’s the Debate?

Is there really a difference between consultancies and agencies when it comes to digital marketing? For the uninformed, the answer is a resounding yes. We here at LumberPress are taking a look at what the rivalry is all about, and what businesses are investing in.

Data Dominance

In the digital age, data is key. It allows us to measure success and locate potential customers, among other things. No one utilizes data in the way that consultancies are doing today. They enter specific agreements that pinpoint marketing strategies and offer more predictive models, because they have access to more deeply protected media data; meanwhile, agencies take the traditional approach by focusing on less invasive metrics. Does that mean consultancies are going to replace agencies? This just doesn’t seem to be the case because of a big factor: price points.

Money Talks, Changing the Game

Agencies usually rely on commision contracts and sales in exchange for their services, which scales a lot better with bigger companies. Consultancies, on the other hand, offer a fixed monthly or annual price which may end up gouging the wallets of these businesses.


Much of what makes consultancies unique is their approach to marketing in the first place, and some say that’s worth the high price. Accenture, for example, says they focus not on advertisements, but on customer experience. With Gen Z and millennials flocking to the internet, more trust lies in authentic reviews as opposed to flashy ad campaigns. So their measures have shifted to tackle the customer experience instead of bothering with traditional ad-work that may not even be effective. Agencies are taking note of this strategy change to catch up with the times.


The Verdict

Ultimately, though consultancies are gaining traction every day in new sectors, agencies are still holding their own in the digital marketing world. Some larger businesses are opting to choose a hybrid of the two ideas, using consultancies to flesh out unorthodox measures of reappropriating their brand, while sticking to the tried and true methodology of agencies.


What’s our approach, and how does LumberPress fit into all of this? Our focus lies in small businesses whose websites need a modern overhaul. Our clients are people who don’t want to get ignored by large ad agencies and consultancies. LumberPress gives you the tools you need to rank higher on search engines and drive more traffic. What’s that mean for your small business? More customers, more authenticity, and lasting growth.

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